Wednesday, July 28, 2010

German Shepherds For Sale

German Shepherds For Sale : German Shepherd puppies are great little puppies that grow up into large wonderful dogs. A German Shepherd puppy for sale will come in several different colors such as black and brown, black and silver, black and tan, solid black, black and cream and sable. A white German Shepherd is not accepted by the AKC and neither is the black long coated German Shepherd. You can spot these German Shepherd puppies for sale by their white color and the black ones have tufts of hair in their ears and between their toes and will have fringe on the backs of their legs.

A good starting place to look for German Shepherd puppies for sale is the Internet. However, there are several things you must expect from the breeder before he is considered a good, reputable breeder. Research the breed before you look for German Shepherd puppies for sale.

Rescue German Shepherds

Rescue German Shepherds : People give up their German Shepherds for a variety of reasons. The German Shepherd is a large breed, and some owners who move to smaller quarters feel that it would be unfair to move the dog to a confined area. Other owners, through circumstances beyond their control, may move from owning their own home to renting an apartment in a building with restrictions on the size of dog permitted.

Whatever the reason, hundreds of German Shepherds find new homes every year through the efforts of German Shepherd rescue organizations. German Shepherd rescue groups get to know each dog they place and each new home that is ready for a dog. The groups match abandoned dogs with new homes where they can thrive and be loved.

German Shepherds Puppies

German Shepherds Puppies : German Shepherd is one of the most magnificent, loving and also loyal dog breeds. German Shepherd is many a times also known as Alsatian and is a large breed dog that originated in Germany as a herding dog. It is a relatively new breed of dogs that was bred by Max von Stephanitz, a German dog breeder. The first German Shepherd was named Horand von Grafrath. As mentioned above, German Shepherd is a very loyal dog which gives a good response to dog training.

While training a German Shepherd dog, one must note that this majestic beast treats its masters, small children or babies and strangers all in different manners. Hence, if you are the master of the Shepherd, you need not worry. All you need to do is love the dog as if it's your own child. The Shepherds never growl, bark or attack their own masters. They are highly obedient to their masters and shower great amounts of affection on them in any case. German Shepherds love their masters more than they love their own lives.

Trained German Shepherds

Trained German Shepherds : Consistency! You’ve heard it before but it’s true. We’ve seen it before; someone gets a German Shepherd puppy and underestimates the amount of time and attention it will take to train it effectively. Dog training is pretty simple, give her praise when your puppy does something you want, and correct your puppy when she does something you don’t want. Doing this consistently will eventually train you German Shepherd effectively.

First understand that your dog’s actions are largely governed by instinct so it is up to you to balance your dog’s instinct with conditioned behavior through human training. You can do this by correctly establishing in your household a social hierarchy from the very first day you bring your German Shepherd puppy home.